Hi there! Welcome!
My name is Weimu Lei, and I am an incoming graduate student of the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University. I previously studied finance at the University of Georgia Terry College of Business (B.B.A.) and Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School (M.S.). Before joining the Stanford ICME community, I spent some time studying mathematics at the University of California, Irvine while concurrently taking computer science courses at Stanford University through SCPD program.
I feel curiously fascinated by an eclectic mix of topics in statistical learning, as well as their wide-ranged applications. I'm truly excited about both my academic journey and potential research opportunities at the Farm.
You can reach me via email: {last name}{first name} at stanford dot edu (curly braces not included).
Coming from a relatively less conventional and less linear path, I am extraordinarily fortunate and privileged for the immense support from my family, friends, teachers, peers, and numerous kind people. I'd like to especially thank these amazing individuals who I'm blessed to have known over the years, for their teaching, advising, and encouragement that keep me motivated: (in no particular order)